Friday, 25 June 2021


                                                                       procedural writing.

 hello blogger.                                        

I m going to be telling you about my writing we did this week it is call procedural writing.

This week we were working on writing about how to play a game. First we had to writing the rules specific just in case the person who is reading the game does not know what the game is. My teacher made us play one of the students games and we did what it exactly what it said. I made one and it was about how to play rugby.

To this day we are still working on it . After we did the rules and our planning we had to copy it on to a google doc and this is how you make one. 

First: you think of what game you are going to do. 

Second: you  tell the reader what the point of the game.

 Third: you tell them what kinds of thing you need to play the game your doing.

Fourth: you star to think of what kind of rules are in the game. 

Fifty: when you finish copy it on to a google doc and just add more things

That is how you write a procedural writing.